Tuesday 22 March 2011

size zero.. hot or NOT?

In 2007 size zero had become the craze, no actress or model was putting on weight or was even seen to be eating. But is it really sexy? or was it just a mind convincing disorder that everyone wanted to be? Pictures of size zero models that are taken on the run way are exposed everywhere; magazines, internet, television etc. In my eyes, its not a nice look and the media in everyway is almost promoting this next to nothing but bone figure. The media is taking this look and brainwashing little girls right up to adults into thinking that this is the 'In' thing which is practically saying the only way you can look pretty is by looking like this. In this particular picture, the feeling i get from the expression on this womans face, is that she's not happy and is almost being forced into looking like this; in order to keep her job. It just goes to show that the media influences everything from how to look and how to live your life!

1 comment:

  1. Look at the ways in which this horrible body aesthetic disempowers women. If the world were full of fat, happy powerful women would patriarchy really crumble? Yes, probably. Read "The Whole Woman" by Greer, "The Beauty Myth" by Wolff and "Backlash" by Faludi,
