Saturday 9 April 2011

Visual Diary - Red Rose

This rose is an image from my visual diary; I decided to draw a rose as it's my favourite flower. I tried to make the flower look as real as possible by highlighting the outer petals to make the texture look alive. Red and white roses are my all time favourite flowers, more so red roses! Hence I decided to do a red rose. In my first sketch of the rose i had little roses around the outside, however i decided not to go with this as it stood out a lot more individually. 

1 comment:

  1. Did you draw this from life? If not trying drawing an actual rose and try experimenting with different materials and approaches. Try drawing whilst not looking at the paper, don't take your eyes off your subject. Don't worry about the finished product; this will train you how look. If you have a close friend get them to strip off for you to draw or go to the life drawing classes on Wednesday afternoons.
